Important Account Information |
Our security procedures mean that we may occasionally request proof of identity in order to improve our store and platform, prevent or detect fraud or abuses of our website and enable third parties to carry out technical, logistical or other functions on our behalf. Under Amazon Data Protection Act 1998, we follow strict security procedures in the storage and disclosure of information which you have given us, to prevent unauthorised access. Please note that the information you enter will be transferred outside the European Economic Area for the purposes of processing by and its affiliates. By submitting your information, you consent to this transfer. Our secure-server software encrypts all your personal information including credit or debit card number and name and address. The encryption process takes the characters you enter and converts them into bits of code that are then securely transmitted over the Internet.
| is the trading name for Amazon EU Sàrl and Amazon Services Europe S.à.r.l. Amazon EU Sàrl and Amazon Services Europe S.à.r.l. are wholly owned subsidiaries of, Inc. Thank you for visiting |