Thursday, February 14, 2008

IBJ Daily Arts & Entertainment

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Checkmark "Other Worlds/Altered Visions." Getting all up in the personal spaces of artists.
Checkmark "The Piano Lesson." Another fine-tuned play by August Wilson.
Checkmark"African Footprint." Think Nile Riverdance.
Checkmark Philharmonic Orchestra of Indianapolis Praise Concert. Music, faithfully presented. 
Checkmark  Lou Harry's A&E blog: Be part of our discussion of arts and entertainment in Indy and beyond here. 
Checkmark Continuing:
Still-running highlights from past IBJ Daily A&E e-mails. 
Checkmark This week's contest: Win tickets to see French violinist Virginie Robilliard with the Ronen Chamber Orchestra. 


"Other Worlds/Altered Visions" etc.
Feb. 15-April 20
Indianapolis Art Center
Kristina Arnold, armed with a medical background, fills a gallery with hand-blown plexiglass. Charlene Marsh works in wall hangings. Charles Caldemeyer's creation makes use of an electrified model house.

Just another day at the Indianapolis Art Center.

Well, maybe not "just." Three new exhibitions open on Friday the 15th. Stop by for the reception between 6 and 8 p.m. For more details, click here.

"The Piano Lesson"
Feb. 20-March 15
Indiana Repertory Theatre
Look over theater schedules around the country and it's easy to conclude that half the black-playwright-penned plays produced in America have come from the mind of August Wilson. Look over the bios of the actors in the IRT's upcoming production of Wilson's "The Piano Lesson" and you might draw the same conclusion.

Consider this: Six of the eight actors in the show have performed in Wilson plays before. And its director, Seret Scott, directed this same show at Washington's Arena State (as well as Wilson's "King Hedley II" in Philadelphia and "Two Trains Running" in San Diego).

One could argue that this is all a testament to Wilson's genius-and that seeing one of his plays (which include "Fences" and "Joe Turner's Come and Gone") makes audiences hungry for more. One could also argue that there should be room for other voices.

The latter argument, though, is irrelevant to your enjoyment of this sometimes complex, sometimes simple play, one in Wilson's series of 10 works examining interconnected lives throughout the 20th century. Each play takes place in a different decade, with Pulitzer Prize winner "The Piano Lesson" set the 1930s. In it, a brother and sister struggle to reconcile the past, as symbolized by an elaborately carved heirloom instrument.

For more details, click here.

"African Footprint"
Feb. 14-15
Madame Walker Theatre Center
Part "Riverdance." Part "Cirques du Soleil" Part step competition. You are unlikely to find a more energetic evening of entertainment this weekend.

For a preview of what this touring troupe can do, click here. For more details, visit (And for an apology for pluralizing the name of the show when we gave away tickets last week, just ask me. Sorry.)

Philharmonic Orchestra of Indianapolis Praise Concert
Feb. 17
Pike Performing Arts Center
The volunteer musicians of the Philharmonic Orchestra of Indianapolis are committed to offering symphonic music at affordable prices. With a $15 top ticket ($12 for senior and $5 for students), an evening of live music is barely more expensive than a night at the movies.
For this concert, there's the added bonus of the Symphonic Praise Choir, lending this 10th annual event some spiritual oomph. A "Listen and Learn" discussion precedes the 3 p.m. showtime. For more details, click here.

Still-running events from previous IBJ Daily A&E e-mails.   Full Story

This week's contest
This week, win tickets to see the Ronen Chamber Ensemble at Indiana History Center. Guest artist for the concert is French violinist Virginie Robilliard in a program described as "colorful music from the cusp of the 20th century." Just fill out the form here. We'll pull one winner at random.

While filling out the contest form, In the spirit of international brotherhood, tell us your favorite French person, place or thing. We'll print some of the responses. As usual, it won't influence who wins, but we're doing it anyway.

By the way, last week, we asked for your favorite Butler (in celebration of our ticket giveaway subject-Butler Ballet). Responses are here.

And congratulations to Jeanie Scofield, whose name was pulled at random to win four tickets to see Butler Ballet's "Great Choreographers" performance this weekend.

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